

Thanks Mr.Pea sebab tag. Seronok jugak benda ni. macam survey. Boleh rileks sikit. Kalau nak bukak kat Formspring memang berabad dah aku tak bukak.

1 . What is your favourite pillow ?
My Mrs.Pillow :)

2. What kind of flower did you like ?

3. When you're growing up , what did you want to be ?
Anak Soleh :)

4. What kind of Boy / Girl did you like ?
Soleh dan Solehah :D

5 . Are you an active person or not ?
Tengok keadaan la :|

6 . Talkactive or Untalkactive ?
Kena ada topik tentang something, baru boleh talkactive. :P kalau tak diam je.

7 . When will you gonna fly to university ?
Soon... Insyaallah.

8. What is your hobby?
Im Google-ing anything :)

9. Science or Mathematics ?
Of course la science :D

10. What is your sweet memories ?
Makan ice-cream kat IKEA dengan (?)

11. What is your bitter memories ?
Takda kot . Semuanya saya anggap manis :)

12. What is your ambitions ?
Lawyer , Teacher , Caunselor , Motivator .

13. What is you dream ?
Doing Hajj every yearssss with my family :D

14. Did you love to hangout with friends ?
Absolutely yes .

15. Which one you prefer ? Chocolate Mask or Strawberry Mask ?
Chocolatey de'puerto .

16 . Do you like to treat your skin by using vege ?
Yes. but Im eat it. not put it on my skin. bazir tu :)

17. I'm tired , True or False ?

18. Why I keep asking you ? Give your reason ?
Because , you are trying to flirt me. (?)

19 . Eh kenapa ni ? Jangan menangis .
Mana ada :'( haha

20 . I need to go now , kay challobette !
kay , pohh pohh .

1 comment:

  1. salam..

    semua orang mahu mengerjakan haji..moga dimakbulkan Allah SWT
